Funding your course
LawCAB does not hold information about student loans, sponsorship, scholarships, bursaries, course fees or funding for courses but the following list useful options for applicants
Student loans
Funding is available for postgraduate study for residents of the UK. Please use the below links to identify options for you, based on where you live, rather than where you plan to study. NB International students may be able to apply for government student loans from their home government.
In some cases, government postgraduate loans are not available unless courses are studied at Masters level, so do check eligibility requirements carefully. In these cases, however, several institutions offer e.g. LLM or Masters incorporating GDL, LPC or SQE course content, allowing you to apply for a government postgraduate loan that requires study at Masters level.
To check your own and your course's eligibility for postgraduate funding and to find out more go to:
England residents - the England government postgraduate study funding website.
The Office for Students - student finance website will also provide useful information on funding in England.
Wales residents - the Welsh government student finance site and Student Finance Wales.
Scotland residents - the Student Awards Agency Scotland website which also contains a 'Other sources of funding' section.
Northern Ireland (NI) residents - the NI Direct government services website which will redirect to the postgraduate section of Student Finance NI.
Law Society Diversity Access Scheme
The Law Society Diversity Access Scheme (DAS) offers an open access scheme that provides support funding for either the LPC, LPC combined with LLM or new SQE assessments/preparation courses only. Applications are welcomed annually.
The Law Society also has a useful section on its website about funding and support during your studies: internships, scholarships and sponsors.
High street bank loans
You may wish to consider graduate loans from high-street banks. Please approach individual banks directly.
Bursaries/scholarships from course providers or other organisations
A variety of scholarships and bursaries may be available from your chosen institution(s), related to assisting both students facing financial hardship and those demonstrating academic excellence. Information is available directly on institutions’ websites, links to which you can find in the Where can I study? section.
Scholarships are available to UK and international students from a range of other organisations. The British Council provides details of international scholarships and the UK Council for International Affairs highlights government scholarships for international students. For example, GREAT Scholarships offer international students from specified countries the chance to receive £10,000 towards their tuition fees for a wide range of one-year taught postgraduate courses.
You may also be able to stagger payment of course fees with certain institutions so please discuss this with them when considering their courses.
The Social Welfare Solicitors Qualification Fund provides financial assistance to aspiring solicitors working in social welfare law for organisations serving disadvantaged communities. The SWSQF funds the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) preparation courses and assessments.
The Aspiring Solicitors Foundation offers financial assistance to those wanting to qualify as a solicitor who are facing financial difficulty.
Scholarships and bursaries for aspiring legal aid lawyers can be found on the Young Legal Aid Lawyers site.
The Aziz Foundation offers Masters scholarships to British Muslims, enabling them to progress in their careers. Scholarships are only available for those studying at institutions which have joined the Preferred Partners scheme. Scholarships are only open to those who qualify for Home Fees status in the UK - applications from international students will not be considered.
Justice First Fellowships (JFF) offer training contracts and pupillages in social welfare law with charities, law centres and legal aid firms.
Scholarships from the Inns of Court for aspiring barristers seeking to do a law conversion/GDL and beyond for Bar courses and pupillage are available.
Information about postgraduate scholarships in general can be found on the Prospects website.
SQE Access and Reinvestment Fund
The SRA has recently launched a fund which is specifically for organisations who are supporting aspiring solicitors from disadvantaged backgrounds. The fund is to help cover candidates' costs of sitting the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE).
Applications can be made from established organisations with a track record of supporting aspiring solicitors and so this is not something that individual candidates can apply for, but it might be worth flagging to your employer. Read more about the new fund here.
Sponsorship from employers
The costs of GDL, LPC or SQE preparation courses may be covered by certain law firms, large international corporations or other legal services providers, depending on the terms of the contract offered to you. However, early application for training contracts or work placements for qualifying work experience is needed in many cases. Often applications need to be made two years ahead of starting work for the organisation
NB: Applicants wishing to seek sponsorship from prospective employers should note that some employers will only offer sponsorship for their prospective employees’ training courses, if their prospective employees have not yet started a course, or if the course is run at a particular institution. If you have already started a course or accepted an offer on a course an employer does not have links with, you may be expected to make a new application to the employer's preferred institution, or continue to self fund your studies.
You are, nevertheless, encouraged to submit applications for courses if you have not yet gained sponsorship, as the LawCAB team are able to update your course choice information for you at any point during the application period.
Apprenticeships also provide an employer-funded route, as your employer will cover the cost of any courses and assessments whilst paying you a salary, so you can earn while you learn.