What I wish I had known before I started!
Learn what previous applicants have said they wish they had known before embarking on their qualification journey
Candidates who have previously made applications for GDL, LPC and/or SQE courses through LawCAB tell us that there are things they wished they had known before embarking on their legal qualification.
An overwhelming majority wished they had done more research into the different qualification routes, universities and course options. Here is a summary of they have have told us.
Previous applicants have told us that they wish they had:
- looked more at different course providers and what they offer
- spent more time exploring the variety of courses available
- done more research into the different qualification routes
- understood that not all universities offer deferred places
- known that a reference was needed to support their application
- realised that they did not need to put off applying as it was easier than anticipated!
Those that enrolled on courses said that they wish they had known:
- the intensity, workload and demands of the course
- the course modules, timetabling and contact hours
- how the course would be taught and how they would be assessed
- how they could have prepared in advance of starting the course
- that the course fees do not include the SQE1&2 assessments
- if you're doing a course which required you to have a law degree or GDL, you need to be able to draw on that knowledge as the course does not repeat degree and/or GDL content
- the structure and content of SQE assessments
On the overall process for qualifying, applicants told us that they wish they had understood better:
- the different routes to qualification and range of options available to reach desired qualification
- the difference between the LPC route and the SQE route
- the importance of gaining an academic foundation in law, particularly as a non-law student
- the need to apply early for vacation schemes and Training Contracts
- the availability and difficulty in securing a Training Contract on the LPC route
- the benefits of doing some qualifying work experience before starting the SQE (the SRA particularly recommends doing QWE before doing SQE2)
- the difficulty in finding suitable QWE
- the importance of networking
- the options for securing funding and scholarships
- the costs of qualifying including living costs while studying
- the SQE booking process and assessment dates
How we can help you
The biggest take-away from candidate feedback is the need for thorough research before you start your qualification journey.
We have attached some links below to relevant pages on this website where you will find information about different qualification routes, course options and providers as well as signposting to other useful online resources. And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us
Law careers
Use the Law Careers menu (top of home screen) to explore the different routes to qualifying in law, including becoming a solicitor, barrister and CILEX Lawyer., as well as the non-university routes
Courses and providers
Use the Courses menu (top of home screen) to gain an overview of the LPC, SQE and law conversion courses, a list of course providers and a course finder tool
Application process
Make sure you have read and understood the steps in the application process and what is required before you start your application.
Useful information
Navigate through the site to find out more about funding, QWE and frequently asked questions. If you can't find the information you are looking for, contact us
SQE candidate case studies
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has recently published two anonymised candidate case studies which offer insights from candidates who have taken the SQE, including tips on how they prepared.